A downloadable Retro game

Project link:  https://arcade.makecode.com/S10298-46333-32126-07069

You are an animal in the sea. The humans on earth are terrible and they litter in the ocean. There are rubbish floating everywhere. You have to survive in this dirty ocean…

There will be levels in the game. The difficulties in each game increases as there will be more rubbish floating around you. There will be 6 levels in total. If you die in the game, you will respawn after 5 seconds and continue the game. If you die LESS THAN 16 times in the whole game, You win!

Press space (A) to show the amount of food you have

Press enter(B) to summon healing star -- only available 3 times in the game, from level 4 onwards!  (can heal 200-300 hearts!)

Each rubbish have different speeds so be careful!


Final-Retro-Game-master.zip 381 kB
Makecode arade png file 58 kB

Install instructions

Play here : Original game (makecode arcade)

Github: Bigger screen